Cannapedia Encyklopedie konopných odrůd

Cannabis May Pose a Threat to Currently Used Pharmaceuticals – Even in Oncology

Pure Cannabidiol as well as whole plant cannabinoid extracts demonstrate amazing biological activity and they could substitute a wide range of synthetic medicaments currently sold on the market, says Czech researcher Jan Storch, Ph.D. from the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Possible Cancer Cure

It has been proven that Cannabidiol destroys certain types of tumorous cells and prevents their metastasis, adds a young scientist, who is one of many Czech researchers and medical professionals whose interest in possible healing effects of various cannabinoids and other compounds found in the cannabis plant is constantly growing.

According to some experts and patient advocates, the legal and political situation in the Czech Republic creates an ideal environment for both theoretical cannabis research and subsequent application of its results on real patients. A recently established International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute in Prague is a living proof of favourable business and research environment.


The whole 17 minute interview with Jan Storch, Ph.D. in Czech can be found on  

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