Cannapedia Encyclopedia of cannabis strains

How to Fill a Gap in the Market? Combine “Weed” and Technology

To find and make use of a hole in the market is not an easy task these days. Sometimes you can see the opportunity, but the laws and authorities prohibit the realization of your ideas – for example if you want to use the potential of cannabis and start the so called “cannabusiness”, the prohibition will not allow you to do so.

New Opportunities

However, as Bob Dylan knew “the times they are a’changin’”, some progressive states in the US have legalized cannabis in recent years and opened up a whole new area of business opportunities and entrepreneurship, creating thousands of new jobs and millions of dollars in tax revenue.

A rapid growth of revenue is evident from the report of company ArcView Market Research, which shows an increase from 4.6 billion dollars in 2014 to 5.4 billion in 2015. The prediction for the 2016 is even better – a significant 25 percent increase to 6.7 billion. And what about the Czech Republic and other EU countries, will they stand idle and watch America getting rich and healthy at the same time thanks to one marvelous plant?


More on the subject: roklen24.cz